Finding Your WHY 🗓️ January 2025

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2025

The Key to Consistency All Year Long


The calendar year turns, and we all start making resolutions, setting new goals and reflecting as if a magical force swarms over us as the new year arrives bringing enlightenment and new perspective.


Reflection is an amazing gift. When done correctly it gives you hindsight and we all know that hindsight is 20/20 😉. But in all reality, reflection is only as good as the actions that follow. To gain perspective, yet, do nothing with it is futile. You remain in a loop of victim mentality. Never willing to make the effort needed to utilize the reflection.


So, how do we find the efforts when all seems lost and an uphill climb?


We find our why.


Each person’s why is very, well, personal and individual. It is a reason deep within them that propels them forward in any situation, no matter how hard. Whys can range from attending a wedding or reunion later this year and wanting to show up your best or needing function to walk again after a surgery. Both of these are temporary goals, however. If you look at them, they have end dates or culminating events. And that’s good… but…..


If we want to find a goal that never ends, that lasts forever and is at the core of our wellbeing ensuring it won’t fade, we need to dig a bit deeper when searching for our why.


Our body’s health and function will propel us into a long life filled with adventures, playing and disease-free daily living. Your why or vision board should be filled with all your goals, for the remainder of your life, a bucket list if you will of all the things you want to keep doing. Here are some examples:


Travel Destinations

Playing on the floor with grandkids

Living at home without help

Working in the garden

Playing slow pitch softball on Friday nights

Always walking your cart back after shopping

Carrying groceries in one trip

Feeling good (minimal joint pain, no bloating…)

Being confident in your abilities and looks

Stayin active and social with friends (pickleball, skiing, tennis)

Maintaining intimacy with your spouse



Somewhere along the way we stop asking why. Why do things happen, why do they matter? Think of kids and the wonder they experience while learning all about life and all the “whys” they ask. As you age, never stop asking why, it will help you find yours and help you stay dedicated to your goals.


Keep asking why and never stop the pursuit.




January 2025 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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