Why BOTH are Important
We are conditioned by society that we need to be a certain size and look a certain way. Let’s face it the fashion and cosmetic industry can pretty much make you buy anything with claims of making you feel or look five years younger. I’ve been suckered in many times.
With age comes skepticism and questioning sprinkled in with a bit of wisdom and ability to spot a red flag marketing campaign. But why do these industries keep making a fortune?
Because looking good on the outside is important.
Now, bear with me as I can hear the eye rolls that “our appearance isn’t all that important”.
What we look like on the outside (healthy skin, hair, healthy weight, good muscle tone) reflects what is going on inside the body. Having clear skin and full hair indicates a diet rich in nutrients, lean in fats and filled with plenty of protein building blocks, topped off with plenty of hydration. When our weight is healthy, and muscle tone is on point it is an indication of healthy digestion, balanced blood sugar, strong bones and rockin’ immune system.
All of these “superficial” appearances indicate a lack of disease, a robust healthy body ready to support our next adventure. It also supports a healthy self-esteem. When we feel good, we look good, and when we look good, we feel good. Having a healthy body (inside and out) is the first step in balancing our hormones; balanced hormones lead to a healthy brain and mental health.
The cycle continues, feed the body, feed the mind.
Ways to achieve this natural health and beauty:
By including these tips daily you will be on your way to a healthy body and healthy mind.
** quick disclosure that we are talking about looking good through healthy habits and not with extreme dieting and surgeries.
February 2025 ©BeSTRONGERFitness
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