Prepping for the Winter Germs 🦠 November 2024

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2025


Lower temps, more socials and the perfect condition for cold and flu season. 

Winter is coming. 

With the colder months, come holidays, holiday parties, puddles and damp outer wear. All creating the perfect conditions for the cold and flu to fester, infect and take over our best skiing and sledding days. So, how can we fight this and make sure we spend as little time on the down and the most time on the up and up?

We know that 70% of our immune system lives in our “gut” (digestive tract). So, in theory if we boost our gut health we can boost our immune system and body’s strength to ward off the ick. Let’s look at some easy ways to increase that immunity (gut health) naturally and supplement free.


  1. Fiber Fiber Fiber!Fiber is the key to gut health. It is the food our “good bacteria” eat, this fuel helps them grow and multiply, pushing out the “bad bacteria”. Fiber is ONLY found naturally in plants, fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds and whole grains. Almost all processed foods have fiber added back in to make them more “nutritious”. So, the week before (really all the time) pack in as many fruits, veggies, whole grains and REAL food as possible.


  1. Vitamins and Minerals. There are certain vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system naturally. Since we can't pack our bodies full of supplements, where can we find these nutrients naturally? 
    • Vitamin C - Citrus, Cruciferous Veggies (broccoli, kale, red cabbage), Red Peppers, Strawberries, Guava, Tomatoes and Kiwi to name a few. 
    • Vitamin E - Nuts and Seeds (almonds, sunflower, hazelnuts)
    • Vitamin A - Orange things (carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe) and dark leafy greens
    • Vitamin D - Fish (salmon, tuna)
    • Iron - Meats & Beans, Kale, Broccoli
    • Zinc - Lean Meats, Beans, Yogurt, Chickpeas


  1. Sunshine + Grounding.Sunshine activates the vitamin D we eat; it is needed to boost the immune system. Permission to tan… in 10-minute increments. Grounding is exchanging electrons with the earth. Remove your shoes and dig those feet in to fresh soil, grass or a lovely beach. By exchanging electrons with the earth, we are ramping up our electrical system within us, a key component of our immune system. Tapping into a bigger source of energy than just our bodies. 


  1.  Since we are trying to avoid supplements, we can get herbs in many ways. We can add them to our cooking or drink in a tea. Both are low enough quantities that they will not affect our blood clotting during surgery. Herbs to increase immune system include: 
    • Echinacea + Elderberry (best teas include these)
    • Ginger (a pineapple, lemon and ginger smoothie is bomb!)
    • Cinnamon (add to a sweet potato for a vitamin A and fiber boost too)
    • Garlic (grind up a clove and mix with honey, taste not so good, but talk about a kick) 


  1. Fire Cider.Okay this one is intense. But I have been making my own (recipe by @mommypotamus). It contains a bunch of nasty but beneficial stuff (garlic, ginger, turmeric, onion, jalapeño, horseradish, rosemary, pepper, apple cider vinegar… you get the idea). Just 10ml or so a day is all you need!


  1. Pre & Pro Biotics.Prebiotics are the foods that feed our good bacteria (ie our immune system!) Did we mention fiber already? Probiotics (in this case) are foods containing the good bacteria. These are fermented foods: sauerkraut (yummy!! I love this!), some live-cultured yogurts, kefir, tempeh, and kombucha.



  1. BONUS: Exercise! Of course, you knew exercise would be in here. Exercising boosts the immune system by:
    • Increasing body heat (this makes it an uninhabitable place for bad bacteria)
    • Improves sleep (the time when your body does most of its healing)
    • Increases circulation (this includes circulation of the immune cells too!)
    • Decreases stress and reduces inflammation


Take these leading months into winter and feed your body all the goods to keep it healthy and ready to battle any germs that may be attack. Be ready, be healthy.


November 2024 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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