Summer + Sunshine ☀️ June 2024

Rules of engagement with the sun ☀️

The summer is here and we are often concerned about many things associated with summertime. Target number one is the SUN! Let’s take a look at the benefits of the sun and ways to maximize it without causing damage.


  1. SUN + VITAMIN D Sun increases your vitamin D. We have all heard that we absorb vitamin D from the sun, but really, we consume vitamin D through our diet and then the sun activates it. Vitamin D helps with heart health, increase your immune function, strengthen bones, and increase mood. To consume your “preD3” eat fish, mushrooms, and eggs, plus fortified foods. Then just a few minutes in the sunshine for activation!
  2. SUN + MOOD The sunshine increases mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels. These hormones play a key role in the “reward center” and memory, movement, learning and motivation. You are rewarded when doing things you need to survive.
  3. SUN + MORNING LIGHT Morning light is key to setting your circadian rhythm. This rhythm is key to successful communication between the brain and body, the hormones and functions. By exposing your eyes to sunlight within 60 minutes of waking helps you stay alert and focused.
  4. SUN + PAIN RELIEF Post surgery sun exposure may decrease pain 


  1. SKIN HEALTH Skin is our largest organ in the body. It needs to be taken care just like our brain, heart or liver. With healthier skin we can fight sun damages more effectively. We can do that many ways. I’m talking about internal hydration (water, green tea), collagen, and healthy foods. Good fats, nuts and seeds combined with sweet potatoes fruits and veggies will set up your skin to be radiant and healthy.
  2. SKIN PROTECTION I’m not talking about lathering on your SPF 50+ sunscreen. That will block all the benefits of the sun while clogging your pores with chemicals. Use clothing to create a barrier on long summer days when sun exposure is at its peak. When using sunscreen, choose one that uses a mineral barrier (zinc oxide, not chemical) around SPF 35 daily on your face and when time is planned in the sun.
  3. GET A BASE LAYER A suntan is the body’s protection to the sun. By allowing our bodies to get tan (gradually) we create our inner sunscreen. So, start summer with 15 minutes at a time of full body exposure to gradually activate your inner sunscreen. Getting your bare pale-body burnt is the kind of damage that leads to skin cancers. So by activating the melanin you can create healthy skin for summer.

Let’s start this summer with some (gradual) sun, hydration and the perfect sun hat! Summer is here and I am all about it!


June 2024 ©BeSTRONGERFitness




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