The 12 Days of TOA 🎄 December 2024

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2025

How to Navigate the 12 days of Holidays TOA Style


December is here and all the holidays are on us! Everywhere you look we are seeing signs of Christmas, Hannukah, Santa and sparkling lights! It is easy to get wrapped up in the season of treats, movies and couch time watching the weather from the warmth of your fire.


However, that doesn’t sound like a TOA style holiday season. So, we’ve created a 12 Days count down for you to incorporate into your December this season. You remember the song, right? “The twelve days of Christmas my true love gave to me….”, just follow the theme through the 12 days (December 12-24).


Day 1: A one mile or 10-minute walk/ruck. To make this more challenging add a ruck vest or if you’re a runner, pick up the pace.


Day 2: Complete a 2-minute plank. Utilize a bench, counter or make it challenging by heading to the floor. Break this up as needed but complete 2 minutes. By the end I bet you’ll complete all 2 minutes in one shot!


Day 3: Give out three compliments. These can be to your friends or family; up the game and give them to strangers while out and about.


Day 4: Complete 4 one-minute wall sits. Choose your favorite wall and sink down. To make it more challenging, lower down to parallel or add a sandbag on your lap. If you’re really advance do all 4 minutes at once! YIKES!


Day 5: Eat 5 servings of fruits or veggies. The season is really getting going by day five. Be sure to combat all those treats with lots of fiber! Make sure to eat the rainbow as you get different nutrients for each color !


Day 6: Complete 6 inchworms. This one is so fun… hehehe. Start in a plank and walk your hands back toward your feet and stand up. Then reverse the movement back to a plank. This is going to look very different for many people. Don’t be too hard on yourself and just have fun!


Day 7: Complete 70 mini-band bridges. Grab your favorite miniband, put it on above your knees and get going! Be sure to raise your body in one piece, no rolling through the spine.


Day 8: Wish a family member or friend that you haven’t talked to in a while a happy holiday season. I love this one. We have so much family we don’t talk to every day, but just because we don’t see them often doesn’t mean we love them any less. Be sure to reach out to that cousin, aunt or niece and wish them a very merry holiday season! With five days left, you’ll get to chat with five special people!


Day 9: Complete ninety seconds of sit-to-stands. These can be body weight, KB held low or goblet. Make them challenging to offset the trats you’ll consume these days!


Day 10: Complete 10 minutes of reading. Pick up your favorite book or holiday themed memoir and snuggle in for ten minutes of reading.


Day 11: Complete 11 Mc Cheaters.  Down, out, in and up! Start in the standing position. Squat down, put your hands on the floor or bench. Jump your feet out into a plank, jump back in and stand up. Use a bench or make it challenging by going all the way to the floor. Trouble jumping back, step back and step in.


Day 12: Complete 12 minutes of meditation. On this last day start it out with a mindful meditation. Find a comfy quite spot and settle in. Remember this isn’t about silencing the thoughts; but about recognizing them and letting them go. Set a timer and go for it!



THAT’S IT! Sounds easy right. So, lets recap. December 12th you complete day 1. On December 13th complete day 1 and 2. December 14th compete day 1, 2 and 3. And so forth.


So, take this holiday season and make it jolly with a TOA style 12 days.



Decemberr 2024 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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