You Are What You Eat, What You Drink, and the Environment in Which you Live

wholisticliving May 01, 2023

You are what you eat, what you drink and the environment in which you live.

How can this be and what should we do about it?


How many times have we heard the tease, “you are what you eat” in hopes of getting us mad or inspiring us to eat better (depending on who’s saying it)? This phrase is, on the surface, a foolish little pun, as I am obviously NOT the arugula salad I ate for lunch.

But, does it have any truth to it….ABSOLUTELY it does! As I eat this arugula salad, my body is breaking down the components into tiny molecules to be absorbed into my body becoming the foundation for new cells or energy needed to go on. Each bite fuels the regrowth of skin, muscle, bone and every microscopic cell that makes them up.

So, when thinking about what we eat and drink we need to be thinking about the strength we want our body to hold and the efficiency we want it to work with. This is all determined by what we put into our mouths.

Providing our bodies with chemically made ingredients (think fast food) laced with salts, fats and GMOs we are filling our bodies not with natural sources to break down but, foreign bodies it may not even recognize. Not to get too deep, but many GMOs are made using viruses to splice in the new DNA to make the alteration. When that breaks down, the virus is left in our bodies to process and get rid of.

The same goes for our skin, the largest organ in our body system. What we put on to our skin, is quickly absorbed into our internal system. Think sunscreens, moisturizers, soaps and all the beauty products claiming to make you look young! What we put on our skin can be just as important.

So how do we go about making the right choices to put in and on our bodies?

As natural as possible!

The closest the food and products can look to how they are found in nature, the better. The less additives (think fresh is best) the better. Think about it, do you really want the inside of your body to be preserved like a twinkie on the shelf for 20 years?

Our organic bodies can easily break down organic materials (carbon based compounds found in nature) so the more simple, natural foods and drink we consume the better. It is easier for our bodies to break this down and utilize it for the building block our body needs. It’s not that we CAN’T use more processed and chemically made products, it is just harder on our body to use them directly. These GMO and more processed foods often lead to the dreaded free radicals, high cholesterol, and a straight path to an increase in diseases.

Now, our skin is just the same. We should be putting simple, natural items on our skin. Items that if asked to eat, you would say “ok this might not taste good, but it wouldn’t hurt me”. Personally (and not a plug at all), I use Eminence Organic Skin Care. They are based in Hungary and all their products are made from natural resources and are organic. Doing your best to limit products derived from chemicals and laced with toxins will surely set up your skin to be healthier and younger! Bonus, the fresh food will also improve your skin too!

By giving our body the tools and fuel it needs to be successful, and as natural as possible, you will be taking the first step in creating a long, healthy life!

May 2023 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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